Monday, November 24, 2014



Although you’ll be busy with career and financial matters, your heart may be aligned with more carefree pursuits. Thoughts of travel, love adventures, new beginnings, and sunny vacations could encourage you to research your options. Meanwhile, Mercury’s move into Sagittarius may set you thinking about study and the benefits of adding to your skill set. Finally, a Quarter Moon in Pisces brings intuitive guidance your way. You’ll need to act on it to find out just how advantageous it might be.


Home and family matters can be a source of joy and happiness right now, particularly as some good news may be about to come your way. In addition, you may be very excited about the potential for creating wealth. The current alignment entices you to explore schemes and ideas with a view toward becoming financially secure. Aided and abetted by Mars in practical Capricorn, this combination of planning and inspiration can go a long way toward helping you fulfill your dream.


Relationships of all kinds take center stage, in a positive way, as they bring out the best in you and encourage you to have faith in yourself. Friends, family, and loved ones seem eager to help you in any way they can. Plus, with Thanksgiving looming you’ll be in your element with a fun-packed schedule that keeps getting better and better. But it isn’t a good idea to mix business and pleasure. Keep the two separate for now so as not to muddle agendas.


The cosmos is encouraging you to go all out to improve your health and fitness level. A focus on your lifestyle sector suggests you might be inspired by the example of others who beat the odds to lose excess pounds or overcome personal difficulties to heal themselves and be an example to the world. Whatever your issue, the current alignment gives you the faith you need to try. In addition, it’s a good time to clear the air regarding a relationship issue.


With warm and fuzzy planets filling your romance sector, you can have a lot of fun this week. Though you’ll have responsibilities to attend to, your mind could be on other things – or perhaps on one particular person whose company you really enjoy. This alignment can bring out your inner entrepreneur, giving you creative ideas that you can turn into business opportunities. You might be on a dedicated health kick, too, and eager to discipline yourself to look and feel really good.


With Thanksgiving Day drawing closer, you’ll be in your element as your extended family shows up at your door. A focus on your home zone suggests you might be getting some unexpected yet very welcome visitors, some of whom might be staying a while. Mars in Capricorn spotlights your organizing ability and encourages you to draw up plans and begin the preparations. None of this seems like work – more like the best fun ever! Things are about to get exciting!


This looks like a delightful week in which you’ll be doing a lot of socializing. The focus on your communication zone is bright and breezy, encouraging you to reach out to those you haven’t seen in a while. It’s also a great opportunity to showcase your skills and abilities and get your business message out to the world. Social media can be instrumental in paving the way to success. You may be busy at home this week, but family and friends will pitch in.


As Mars continues to stir up your communication sector, you’ll be eager to get certain matters off your chest. This week’s blend of energies hints that you’ll also be something of a strategist, especially if you’re hoping to persuade someone to back a plan of yours. Be careful, though, as a misunderstanding could backfire on you. You’ll be feeling generous and eager to splurge on yourself and others. Don’t forget to put some money to aside to help shore up your savings.


You are truly in your element and ready to take the world by storm this week. A bright and very sociable focus on your sign suggests you’ll be personally involved in launching plans, sharing ideas, and organizing get-togethers and other events as the excitement builds around Thanksgiving. When it comes to finances, this is an excellent time to plan ahead. You’re naturally generous by nature, but you may be quite frugal when it comes to purchasing life’s little luxuries for yourself.


On the one hand, you’ll be busy organizing and getting things together. At the same time, a very marked focus on your spiritual sector encourages you to relax and recharge daily. Use this opportunity to remember the year and how much you’ve accomplished. If you feel you’ve made mistakes, this is your chance to reflect on how you might have done things better. You also have a chance to prioritize your goals, enabling you to zero in on those that inspire you most


This is a fabulous time to expand your social horizons, move in new circles, and generally mix and mingle with people who both inspire and entertain. The coming week can be excellent for enhancing romantic opportunities, especially if you’re looking for love. However, as both Saturn and Mercury link with Neptune, it pays to be careful, as all that glitters isn’t necessarily gold. Later, Mercury edges into Sagittarius, making this the perfect time to network in order to enhance business interests.


With lucky Jupiter in your work sector and a fabulous lineup in your career zone, things seem to be going your way this week. The cosmos encourages you to take a leap of faith, especially if you’ve been considering trying for a new job or expanding your business along other lines. It helps to get practical advice from those who have experience in what you’re hoping to achieve. They may be able to save you time and money and help you succeed more quickly.

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